
Our information is based on data and trends in educational research, combined with generally accepted best practices in the field of corporate training. Specifically, the data is derived from:

  1. Studies on the Effectiveness of Training:
    • Research comparing traditional training models with more flexible, digital methods such as Nano Learning.
    • Examples include studies from organizations like the Training Industry, the Association for Talent Development (ATD), and independent research on employee learning and performance.
  2. Data from Educational Practices:
    • Performance metrics and ROI based on case studies of companies that have adopted various training strategies.
  3. Educational Models and Theories:
    • Utilization of theories such as Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve (knowledge loss in traditional education) and spaced repetition techniques, which are fundamental to Nano Learning.
  4. Empirical Data from the Industry:
    • Published data in educational journals and websites, including SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) and Bersin by Deloitte.