Transform Learning into Daily Growth Ready to Drive Results? Start Here! Productivity The daily supplement that boosts your Ready to Drive Results? Start Here! Performance
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Why Do Traditional Training Programs Fail?

Traditional corporate training often fails to enhance employee productivity due to the brain’s tendency to quickly forget information.

Furthermore, the brain favors established habits over new information, making it challenging to implement learned skills without deliberate effort.

To combat this, Nano2grow focuses on embedding knowledge into daily routines through repetition and strategic triggers, facilitating long-term memory retention and helping employees develop productive habits.

Why Nano Learning

Productivity Increase

“By focusing on repetition and forming new habits, Nano Learning can significantly enhance knowledge retention and application, thereby increasing productivity.”

Culture Change

“Nano Learning supports a gradual shift in organizational culture by consistently reinforcing desired behaviors and values, fostering a shared mindset of growth and adaptability throughout the organization.”

Engagement & Satisfaction

“Nano Learning modules’ flexibility, brevity, and practicality result in higher levels of employee engagement and satisfaction.”

Positive ROI (Return on Investment)

“Nano Learning, through short daily lessons, leads to a meaningful and measurable increase in productivity without requiring employees to spend valuable work time on training.”

How it works - Nano 2Grow

How It Works

Anatomy of a Nano Course

▪️ Daily Learning: Invest just 1 to 2 minutes daily from your mobile phone (or desktop).
▪️ Instant Notifications: ClickLink for immediate, easy access without login or passwords!
▪️ Actionable Skills: Real-life scenarios to improve techniques in every area of work.
▪️ High-Impact Skills: Focus on the skills that matter most
▪️ Measurable Results: Start seeing noticeable improvements from the first month of consistent use.

Nano Learning & Training KPI’s


Learning Level

Nano Learning: 80-95% understanding & knowledge retention compared to 50-70% of traditional training. Small knowledge doses enhance attention and memory.


Knowledge Application

Nano Learning: 70-90% immediate application of skills compared to 20-40% in traditional training. Daily learning promotes the transfer of knowledge to practice.


Employee Engagement

Nano Learning: 85-98% engagement & satisfaction compared to 60-75%. Short and interactive modules fit the modern workday.


Business Results

Nano Learning: 20-30% faster improvement in performance KPIs. Progressive learning adapts to goals, leading to measurable business benefits.

70% Higher

Training ROI

Nano Learning: 50-70% higher ROI compared to traditional training. Efficiency and lower resource consumption reduce cost per employee and increase the value of training.

Nano Learning Plans - Nano 2Grow